Tobias Croby
System & Integration Architect
with Fellowmind Sweden
"As long as I can remember I have been working with integrations. From the obscure text formats of the 90's to the current available standards, my goal has always been to streamline and combine communication between systems in a standardized and current manner with focus on performance, usability, easy adoption and maintainability."
"Since my early days of programming, I have been developing with the mindset of function first and programming language second. This means that I have been learninge many languages during the years; from the X++ language that is specific to Microsoft Finance/SCM/AM to C#, SQL, PHP, Perl, Java etc. I know good code when I see it. No matter the language."
"Perhaps the one thing that kept me in this business for so long is that I am naturally curious. While it is easy doing the same thing over and over again, I have always wanted to see whats behind the next door. The business will never stay the same, so why should we?"
"If you have come this far, why not click a few more links? The public me is best seen on LinkedIn (english and swedish) while the private me is mostly hanging out on Instagram (swedish only). Thank you for your interest in this homepage."